Planning your Branding Shoot Location
Choosing a location for your branding shoot is one of the first decision that you should make when planning for your for session.
And there a few things to consider when deciding on the best location for your brand, so I want to break down the pros and cons of the different types of locations to make the choice easier.
What is the look and feel of the images that you want to create?
It’s really important to choose a location that you think best reflects your brand.
As every person has their own unique brand personality, this will vary depending on what type of business you are. And the 'vibe' of your business will determine the best location for your shoot.
Do you have a more lifestyle vibe and being outdoors in the garden/beach or even a local cafe might suit you more? What reflects best with the message you are creating for your clients?
Or sometimes a studio setting against a white background can be the shot you want? This lets you add a lot of text and create some white space in your images.
Is your brand more polished and professional? Then a more corporate setting might be appropriate for your location.
It’s also a good idea to choose an area that has a variety of shooting spots within the same location to increase the variety of images we can create.
When you can get clear on your brand personality, then deciding your shoot location will be a lot easier to decide.
Outdoor locations
If an outdoor shoot suits the atheistic you are wanting to create then there are a few things to take into account. Of course all of these recommendations need to be considered with your home city seasons in mind.
If shooting outdoors you also need to consider the lighting situation which is influenced by the season that you are shooting in.
In summer the sun can be really bright and contrasty outside, so you should opt for earlier morning shoot or later in the afternoon. Summer shoots can be great if you have a light, fun, outdoor, beachy brand.
Winter sun offers a softer gorgeous light which is more conducive to shooting in full sun conditions.
Some ideas for outdoor shoot locations are:
Street scape/urban areas with colourful walls and doors, or interesting textures.
Gardens or parks
The beach
Cafes and surrounds.
One of the best things about an outdoor shoot is that it is free! Parks, beach and coffee shops are all great back drops that will cost you nothing (except the price of a coffee) and will let you get a lot of variation in your images.
The downside of being outdoors is that you are at whim of the weather gods sometimes, although this can also be managed.
Another thing to keep in mind is how comfortable you are being photographed in public. If the idea of being photographed in front of other people then a better option might be choosing an indoor location.
Indoor Locations
The other alternative is an indoor shoot. This could be at your own premises (if appropriate), or at a hired location.
Generally, depending on the situation, if you have your own location, either studio, workshop or consulting rooms, this is usually my recommendation. That way your clients can see where all the major happens. You do need to consider though, if your space has nice natural light, and space for us to move around and use different angles and areas to get a good variety of images.
Another indoor alternative is to book a photoshoot location. This could be either a white walled studio or one of the many photos shoot locations that are started to become available (like Space Agency, Perth). Airbnb’s are another option. There is awide range of indoor locations available so it all depends on the look you are going for.
The benefits of using an indoor location is that you tend to have more control over the flow of the shoot, what’s in the background, and the weather. If its your own premises then you could feel more comfortable have your photos taken in a familiar environment, and you have access to your wardrobe and makeup more easily.
If you are indoors, you are not restricted by the weather, and what time of day you can shoot. And if you hire a photoshoot location like and Airbnb, then you have access to a lot of different areas eg kitchen, lounge, dining table, and can capture a good variety of images.
If you don’t have your own space the biggest downside of this option is obviously the cost involved. Where I live you can hire a studio from as little as $40/hr. But the more high end photo shoot locations can start in the hundreds per hour, and can sometimes have a minimum hire charge.
Once again to all depends on what type of location best reflect your brand personality, and also your budget for the shoot.
Some ideas for indoor locations include:
Were you work now - maybe you have a home office or studio.
Co-working space
Studio space
Specific photo shoot location
Hotel lobby
Use Your Imagination
Shoots can take place just about anywhere. Anywhere that’s accessible without being considered trespassing, of course! I’ve shot in coffee shops, cafes, parks, beach, high end hotels, urban streetscapes, even a theatre!
Bear in mind, some locations can take a little more planning and, occasionally, permission will need to be sought. Again, discuss it with your photographer. And then enjoy the shoot that unfolds!
If you are interested in discussing a branding shoot for your business then get in touch here.
I can’t wait to help you show up with confidence in your brand!
Lanie x